Enjoy every day!
Have you ever noticed how everyone always seems to gather in the kitchen when you have a get-together?
It's something primal.
We love being together.
Perhaps the security that comes from sharing food triggers an old embedded memory that "We have done well. We have gathered enough food for today and can nourish our bodies and spirits so they are ready for a new day tomorrow."
My old street in Montmartre in Paris.
Celebrity Guests &
Everyday Folk
The playing field is level when you're Cooking with Anton!
Anton and Mary Eshbaugh Hayes
Our guests will warm your hearts and capture your interest with their wonderful stories and joy-filled spirits!
Both celebrities and everyday folk are guests on my show.
Each of our guests has been invited because of their extraordinary energy and love of life!
Our guests have much more to say than simply, "Here's another recipe I like," or here's yet another cooking show!
Not only will we rediscover the joy and importance of sitting at the table and eating together again, we will see the many ways our guests are committed to making the world we live in a better place!
Some focus on helping right here at home. Some are focused on the world abroad. Some are focused on the planet. Some are focused on the world within.
Rediscovering your passion and inner joy will make your very presence, wherever you go, whoever you are, a significant contribution to the energy that spreads throughout our world every day.

Join me with my family and friends as we open our doors to you and share the joy that can be found in the kitchen and at the table.
Come on in.
Today we're Cooking with Anton!
Jill St. John & and Anton cook for Robert Wagner on our Valentine's Special.
Guest Format:
The premise of the show is that good people, good health and good food are the three most important aspects of a life well-lived. Find these at the heart of your home in your kitchen and at your table. As we say at the close of every show, "Remember: be good to those you love, and be good to yourself!"
The shows feature guests from everyday folk to celebrities.
The playing field on my show is level, no matter what your status.
Each guest gives a brief description of their life and how what they do and love helps to make this a better world.
Our current guest-filming schedule is based on our guests' availability and criteria.
If you're interested in being a guest on the show,
please contact me indicating:
-Why you would like to do the show
-How you help others in the world
-Your *website or *show, if you have one.
*(not required for you to be a guest)
-Are you near Boston or
-What scheduling you would consider.
Episodes will be shot on location.
If you believe in reawakening the passion and joy in the lives others, as well as your own, I would be honored if you would consider being a guest on the show.
The show previously aired on TV Aspen, (an affiliate of Outside Magazine,) on local cable channel 19 at 7:00pm MST daily.
We are currently in production for the 2014 winter season.
- Anton Uhl, executive producer & show host -
Take the time to look around you.
Sketching in Paris